Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Game Host Self-Assessment

So, last Tuesday, I taught San Juan. For class, I now need to do a self-evaluation of my teaching.

What did I do well?

I feel like I did a really good job explaining the basic rules. San Juan is a game that makes sense to me, so I felt like I could explain things organically, according to the goals of the game. We had to do an open hand round, but after that, things went very smoothly. The rules in this game seem complex at first, but fit together like a puzzle, and are quite logical. It simplifies teaching that San Juan is such an open-ended game; there are many possible strategies. I didn't have to give a lot of help in that way. This was listed as a "very difficult" game, but it seemed very easy to me.

How could you improve the next time you teach a game?

I don't know that there's anything I could really improve. Maybe experience playing will show me some things, but everything went pretty smoothly. Perhaps I could give more advice on strategy to people who were a bit slower. But I think everyone was having fun, and there's not really a way to get stuck in the game; a player can only really go a bit slower than everyone else.

Has your approach to gaming changed in any way?

No, I consider this teaching to be a complete success.

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