Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Today, I played Werewolf.


Werewolf is a card game of mystery. If you've played Mafia, it's very similar. At the beginning, each player randomly receives a card. A few players are werewolves. Most of the players are villagers. Some villagers have special powers. For example, the hunter, when killed, gets to chose someone else to immediately kill. There are two teams, werewolves vs. villagers. Each round, everyone "goes to sleep" (closes their eyes), and then different people "wake up" based on their role. The werewolves choose someone to kill, the villagers with special powers use them, and then everyone wakes up together. The villagers vote on one person (one special power doubles this number) to kill off, and that player reveals their card. The werewolves win when the number of remaining werewolves equals the number of remaining villagers. The villagers win when all the werewolves are dead. I was a werewolf in both the games I played, and I'm terrible at it.

The voting mechanic is very interesting and fun. Everyone's trying to figure out who the werewolf is. And if you get suspected at one point, you're probably going to get killed off. So you have to balance the accusations and the defending. Human psychology game.

The rules are very simple, and nobody really has to even think about them. The special powers do need some explaining, however.

A ruthless game where friends turn on friends, and the slightest movement can get you in trouble. Relatively competitive.

In conclusion, a fun twist on Mafia.

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